Maya Rumantir Receives SHIELD of First Excellence from the Firsts Union and PPWI Consortium - Go Parlement | Portal Berita



PENGUMUMAN DAFTAR CALON BUPATI DAN WAKIL BUPATI SIJUNNUJG Tahun 2024 Nomor : 20/PP.04-PU/1303/2024 SYARAT MINIMAL PEROLEHAN SUARA SAH 10(Sepuluh) % dari Total seluruh Suara Sah Kabupaten Sijunjung (10/100 x 134.476) = 13.447,6 (dibulatkam keatas menjadi 13.448 Minimal Suara Sah)* -- *Keputusan KPU Kab.Sijunjung Nomor 655 Tahun 2024 TEMPAT PENDAFTARAN---Kantor KPU Kabupaten Sijunjung Jl. M. Yamin, SH, Nomor 07 Muaro Sijunjung KONTAK PERSON---Zamri 085265970434--Viko 085263208822 JADWAL DAN WAKTU PENDAFTARAN > Selasa Tanggal 27 Agustus 2024 - Pukul 08: 00 WIB s/d Pukul 16 WIB > Rabu Tanggal 28 Agustus 2024 - Pukul 08: 00 WIB s/d Pukul 16 WIB > Kamis 29 Agustus 2024 - Pukul 08: 00 WIB s/d Pukul 16 WIB IMPORTANT ! INFORMATION ! Sumber . Amar putusan MK Nomor 60/PUU-XX/2024 . Peraturan KPU Nomor 8 Tahun 2024

Maya Rumantir Receives SHIELD of First Excellence from the Firsts Union and PPWI Consortium

Sabtu, April 06, 2024

Jakarta(DKI).GP- Senator of Indonesia from North Sulawesi, Dr. Maya Rumantir, M.A., PhD, received the SHIELD of First Excellence from a consortium of international community organizations, Firsts Union (Lebanon) and PPWI (Indonesia). SHIELD of First Excellence is the highest award given by an institution or combination of institutions to someone who shows extraordinary strength of character, commitment to personal and community development, and has the enthusiasm and initiative to bring positive change in their community. SHIELD stands for Service, Honesty, Integrity, Excellence, Leadership, and Duty.

The award plaque was handed over during Maya Rumantir’s busy schedule attending the Plenary Meeting of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) in Jakarta, on Friday, April, 5 2024. At the SHIELD of First Excellence handover ceremony, the President of Firsts Union, Dr. Abdul Rahman Salem Dabboussi from Lebanon and the General Chairperson of the Association of Indonesian Citizen Journalists (Persatuan Pewarta Warga Indonesia – PPWI), Wilson Lalengke, S.Pd, M.Sc, MA from Indonesia, these two figures from community organizations who have collaborated since 2021, handed over this international award directly.

Maya Rumantir, who was re-elected as a candidate for DPD RI Member from the North Sulawesi electoral district, looked very happy and moved to receive the SHIELD of First Excellence Plaque from the Firsts Union and PPWI Consortium. “I am so proud and surprised, thank you very much! “It is a huge honour for me to be chosen to receive this award of SHIELD of First Excellence,” said this favourite pop singer of the 1980s.

For your information, in the General Election which took place on February 14 2024, this national figure from North Sulawesi was ranked first in terms of votes obtained by DPD RI legislative candidates in his electoral district, and was in the top 5 for votes obtained at the national level. The work of the founder of the Maya Bhakti Pertiwi Foundation and the Human Resources Development Institute in contributing to the nation and state of Indonesia is beyond doubt. In fact, even at the international level, Maya Rumantir has also done many things, especially related to social humanitarian programs, human rights, peace and cooperation among nations.

President of Firsts Union, Abdul Rahman Salem Dabboussi, in his press statement said that he really appreciates the performance of many figures from various countries who have made extraordinary contributions to their communities. Therefore, his organisation carried out an inventory of public figures, both at the local and international level, to then give awards.

“One of them is Madam Maya Rumantir, a Senator from Indonesia. I listen to a lot of information about her activities both in Indonesia and abroad. My colleague Mr. “Wilson Lalengke from Indonesia and I decided to award her the SHIELD of First Excellence,” explained Dr. Dabboussi to this media after giving the award, he added that similar awards had also been given to several government and community figures in Africa and the Middle East.

Apart from receiving the SHIELD of First Excellence, the smiling Maya Rumantir was also given an International Certificate from both institutions, Firsts Union and PPWI. The certificate, which was signed by the two top leaders in the Firsts Union and PPWI organizations, states in detail the matters that were taken into consideration when giving the award.

Wilson Lalengke on the same occasion expressed his gratitude for Maya Rumantir’s dedication and care in building the Indonesian nation and state. He hopes that with this award, the Senator who has been elected for the third time will be more enthusiastic in dedicating herself to humanity and Indonesia’s development.

Congratulations and Success to Madam Maya Rumantir! 

#GP | CE | DAB | Ed

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